An Anglican Prayer Book 1989 Pdf

The Book of Common Prayer, Formatted as the original This document was created from a text file through a number of interations into InDesign and then to Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. This document is intended to exactly duplicate the Book of Common Prayer you might find in your parish church; the only major difference.

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  1. The Book of Common Prayer 1928 and 1979 and 2019 (American prayer books) Common Worship (Church of England) The Eucharistic Liturgy of the Anglican Province of Kenya. Download An Anglican Prayer Book 1989 Pdf. Of the BCP in Masaba, Book Delivery Info: In Stock. He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1.
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An Anglican Prayer Book 1989 Pdf Download

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The Book of Common Prayer
United StatesEnglandScotlandIrelandWalesCanadaWorld

The Book of Common Prayer

A Liturgy for Africa (1964): One of the first “modern” liturgies.

A United Liturgy for East Africa (1966): A proposed ecumenical liturgy.

Portions of the 1662 BCP in Standardized Swahili.

Anglican Church of Australia

A number of liturgical resources, including a revised service of Holy Communion, are available on the Anglican Church of Australia's website

Holy Communion in Meriam, a language of the Torres Straits Islands.

Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil

The 1950 Prayer Book in Portuguese (a translation of the U. S. 1928 BCP)

Church of the Province of Central Africa

1976 Holy Eucharist, in English and Chichewa

Anglican Province of Chile

1973 Prayer Book, in Spanish

Anglican Church of Congo

Parts of the 1998 Prayer Book in Swahili (plus some English) (Note: these RTF files may not render properly in your browser and should be downloaded first)

Anglican Church of Ghana

The 1960 Book of Common Prayer

Portions of the BCP in Ga (1957)

The Book of Common Prayer in Twi (1957)

Diocese of Guinea

Petit Livre de Messe (~1986)


Holy Eucharist (US 1979, Rite 2) in Kreyol

La Liturgie, portions of the BCP in French & English for use in Haiti (~1815)

Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui

(Province of Hong Kong):
1965 Holy Communion Service (Experimental)


Holy Eucharist (1954) from the Church of South India (CSI)

CSI Confirmation (1950)
Other liturgical resources from the Church of South India

The Supplement to the Indian Book of Common Prayer (1960)

The Indian (or Bombay) Liturgy (1948). A Eucharist based on Eastern forms

The Ceylon Liturgy (1938).

The (1662) Book of Common Prayer in Tamil (1885).


Holy Communion of the Diocese of Iran (1971)

Books of Common Prayer in Farsi (1828, 1898, 1970)

Japan (Nippon Sei So Kai)

Portions of the 1959 Book of Common Prayer, in Japanese (ideographs and Romaji), and in English translation

English translation of the 1953 Communion service

The (1662) Book of Common Prayer in Ainu

Anglican Church of Kenya

A Kenyan Eucharistic Rite (1989)

The (1662) Book of Common Prayer in Swahili (Kimvita or Mombasa dialect)

The (1662) Book of Common Prayer in Taveta

Anglican Church in Korea

Holy Eucharist from the 1962 Prayer Book (PDF only)

Anglican Diocese of Mauritius

Holy Eucharist, in English & French

Anglican Church of Melanesia

A Melanesian English Prayer Book, the current Prayer Book in Melanesia

The 1938 Melanesian Book of Common Prayer.

Morning and Evening Prayer, the Catechism, private prayers and a service of Preparation for Holy Communion, in Sikaiana (1932)

The Liturgy in Savosavo, the language of Savo Island in the Solomon Islands

Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in Bauro (a language of San Cristobal Island; Griffiths 146:1; 1858)

Portions of the (1938) Book of Common Prayer in Lavukaleve, a language of the Russell Is. in the Solomon Islands.

The Liturgy in Lavukaleve, following the Melanesian English Prayer Book.

The Liturgy in Tikopian, the language of the island of Tikopia.

Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in Pileni, a language of the Reef Is., in the Solomon Islands.

Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in Aoba, a language of Vanuatu; also portions of Holy Communion in the Nduindui dialect.

Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in Mota, a language of Vanuatu

Potions of the Book of Common Prayer in Florida (also known as Nggela or Gela), a language of the Solomon Is. Also 1971 Holy Communion.

Holy Communion in Raga, a language of Pentecost Is., Vanuatu.

Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in Owa (Santa Ana), a language of the Solomon Is.

Portions of the book of common Prayer in Merelava, a language of Vanuatu

Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in Kwara'ae, a language of the Solomon Is.

Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in Bislama, a language of Vanuatu

Portions of the Book of common Prayer in Lau, a language of Malaita, Solomon Is.

Holy Communion in Longgu, a language of Guadalcanal, Solomon Is.

Holy Communion and prayers in Vaturanga, a language of Guadalcanal, Solomon Is.

The Book of Common Prayer in Natqgu (or Natügu), a language of Santa Cruz, Solomon Is.

Holy Communion in Sa'a, a language of the Solomon Is.

Prayer Books in Arosi, a language of Makira, Solomon Is.

Holy Communion in Maewo, a language of Vanuatu

Holy Communion in Solomon Is. Pijin (1999)

Holy Communion in Mwotlap, a language of Vanuatu

Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in Cheke Holo, a language of Santa Isabel, Solomon Is.

Portions of the Book of Common Prayer (1946) and Holy Communion (1984) in Sikaiana, a language of the Solomon Is.

How Can You Sing the Lord's Song without A Book?A list of books (includes Prayer Books in English & other languages) printed by the Melanesian Mission Press, to 1975.

Anglican Church of Mexico

The 1894/5 Provisional Offices of the Mexican Episcopal Church (in English & Spanish)

Province of Myanmar (Burma)

Holy Communion in Burmese (1999)

Province of New Zealand

A New Zealand Prayer Book (1989)

Additional Liturgical Resources
Downloadable NZPB Eucharist services

The (1662) Book of Common Prayer in Maori

The (1662) Book of Common Prayer in Tongan

Special Forms of Service (1914)

The 1966 Experimental Liturgy

The (1966) Holy Communion in Fijian

Church of Nigeria

Holy Communion (1996)

The (1662) Book of Common Prayer in Igbo

Portions of the (1662) Book of Common Prayer in Isekiri

Morning Prayer (1662) in Hausa (1908)

Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea

Occasional Offices (1976)

The Niugini Liturgy (1970)

Holy Communion in Tok Pisin (1986)

1662 Holy Communion in Binandere

1662 Holy Communion in Maisin

Prayers and Offices in Orokaiva (1953)

Paraguay (Provincia Anglicana del Cono Sur):

1662 Holy Communion in Lengua.

Lusitanian Church (Portugal)

The first Prayer Book (1884), in Portuguese

An experimental Eucharist (1965), English translation

The 1991 Prayer Book, in Portuguese

Anglican Diocese of Seychelles

Services (Holy Communion, Litany, Baptism) in English, Seychellois Creole, and French (1997)

Church of the Province of South Africa

The 1954 Book of Common Prayer

Alternative Forms of the Occasional Services (1926) and Holy Communion (1924)

The (1662) Book of Common Prayer in Zulu

The (1662) Book of Common Prayer in Xhosa

The (1662) Book of Common Prayer in Dutch

The (1662) Book of Common Prayer in Ronga

The 1929 South African Liturgy in Afrikaans, Shona, Sotho, and Zulu

An Alternative Form of the Calendar & Occasional Offices (1946)

Province of South East Asia

The (1928 C of E) Book of Common Prayer in Selako

Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in Malay (1915 & 1969)

The Book of Common Prayer in Chinese (for use in Singapore)

Holy Communion in Iban, a language of Sarawak

Holy Communion in Bukar, a language of Sarawak

Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church

The 1954 Prayer Book, in Spanish

The Episcopal Church of South Sudan

The (1662) Book of Common Prayer in Bari (1953)

Anglican Church of Tanzania

The 1919 Zanzibar Prayer Book in Swahili

Anglican Church of Thailand

A Prayer Book for Thailand (1989), in English & Thai.

Church of Uganda

A Service Book in Luganda (1900)

Portions of the BCP in Masaba (1907)

Province of the West Indies

The 1959 service of Holy Eucharist and a modified version from the Diocese of Guiana.

Holy Eucharist, from the 1995 Book of Common Prayer

The People’s Order of the Mass and Other Prayers, Dio. of Nassau & the Bahamas, 1965.

The Anglican Communion is truly world-wide. It has a presence not only in former British colonies, but in many other countries as well, as can be seen by this assortment of Books of Common Prayer and liturgical resources.

For additional texts in languages other than English, see our Languages page.

Last Updated: 5 November 2018

Web author: Charles WohlersU. S.• England • Scotland • Ireland • Wales • Canada • World

An Anglican Prayer Book 1989 Pdf Format


An Anglican Prayer Book 2008