Hello and welcome to the channel. In this video I will show you how to fix Lost Planet 2 not launching.A couple of problems with this game are the following. Rediscover the world of LOST PLANET 2, the latest entry in the 2.7 million-selling action shooter series! Lost Planet 2 is the sequel to Lost Planet™: Extreme Condition, the landmark third-person shooter which debuted on Xbox 360 and went on to sell over 2.3 million units worldwide after its release. When Lost Planet 2 is at its best, it is quite unlike any other game available. The game is built with co-op in mind from the bottom up, to the point that playing the game as a single player is.
The Time It took for my co-op buddy and I to wrap our feeble minds around what was happening during Lost Planet 2 prologue was embarrassingly lengthy.
I was bleating about mounted guns and flying enemies and he claimed to be piloting the vehicle, which on my screen was a drop ship whistling through a canyon. Unless he'd suddenly transmogrified into Chuck Norris, this scenario seemed unlikely. I was starting to wonder if I'd joined the wrong multiplayer session.
We did eventually realise that Lost Planet 2 does something that, for some reason, isn't commonplace in co-op games: it starts with two teams of players doing entirely different things, and they only reconvene after their own particular prologue. There's no threat of death, and everything synchronises perfectly, including cutscenes, with a neat boss battle rendezvous at the end. After that, you're bundled together and whisked off to a jungle environment for the initial mission proper.
And then things seem to get immeasurably less interesting. Lost Planet 2 is, like its predecessor, an extremely straightforward shooter. The visuals are dense, but not particularly pretty, the characters are still disproportionately squat and the combat consists of unloading as much of your ammunition into glowing orange bits of giant insects or the fleshy melons of human pirates. You also spend an awful lot of your time hammering a button to open up data posts which act as respawn points.
At the very least Lost Planet 2 retains its ridiculous scale, you'll be battling enormous Akrid throughout the campaign, and it's difficult not to be impressed as you attempt to wrangle an insect that's four storeys high. In one sequence, you're on a train speeding across a vast desert like on a Dune sandworm - there aren't many shooters that are this hat stand and if you can rope three mates in, you'll be thankful for the added firepower.
Bad Co-Ops
Unfortunately, because the game is so clearly weighted towards co-op, Capcom has felt the need to balance the difficulty for larger teams. The Battle Gauge is a shared collection of points which are diminished every time a character is killed and crucially, it isn't replenished after you've spend 15 minutes plugging away at an enormous Daddy Long Legs.
Respawns from local data posts are unlimited as long as your Battle Gauge still has juice, but woe betide any team that runs out of points. The punishment for allowing it to drop completely to zero is the gaming equivalent of a rap across the arse cheeks with a metre ruler - you and your co-op buddies are dumped in the lobby and politely asked to start the entire chapter again, no matter how close to completion you were. Thanks, but we suspect most players would rather dip their unmentionables in a bubbling chip pan than start a lengthy chapter from the beginning.
There is a degree of old-school charm about no-nonsense shooting and oversized bosses, and the game will reward obsessive play with a series of unlocks that hoarders will adore. There are side objectives to be completed as well, such as grappling and riding an Akrid, which give you credits to spend on a fruit machine that spits out emotes, attire and weapons.
Sadly from what we've played it seems that the majority of the joy isharpooned through the spine by a series of, presumably Japan-centric, design decisions and a largely irrelevant plot.Aside from the single player mode, there's a competitive multiplayer arena mode, which allows you to mash your buddies in a selection of mech and power armour flavoured Vital Suits, but it's hardly going to rip you away from the established names in multiplayer gunplay.
The time we've spent playing Lost Planet 2 hasn't inspired us to tattoo the game's name across our moobs and dance naked through the nearest shopping centre singing its praises. There will probably be a few masochists who become enamoured with its quirks, but given the wide selection of excellent shooters on the PC we reckon this is going to hit the shelves with all the impact of a wet paper towel.
Let's Play Dress Up
Unlocks aren't all po-faced weapons and armour
In a refreshing change from most lead-heavy games, Capconi appears to have a sense of humour about the items you earn during play. Arguably the coolest addition is Albert Wesker, regular antagonist in the Resident Evil series. The Xbox 360 version also contains two of Gears of Wads burly rugby rejects, though whether they'll make it to the PC version remains to be seen.
The most ludicrous unlocks are the emotes, though, a series of campy celebratory animations that can be triggered at any time. Watching Wesker mincing around like a loon is entertaining, particularly when he's about to be flattened by a giant Akrid claw. Simple pleasures.
When Capcom promised to include co-op play in many of their future titles, the community of Co-Optimus held their breath in collective anticipation. We’ve already sampled the flawed delights of Resident Evil 5, but what about the sequel to a slightly more obscure game? Lost Planet was a decent seller, but never broke through to the mainstream. Those that did play the game found it a challenging experience that was equal parts exhilarating and annoying. There were plenty of mistakes that Capcom could fix in a sequel; adding co-op and removing Wayne are just two of them. Were these changes enough to make the game a must buy?
Capcom is a Japanese game publisher that is interested in selling to the Western markets and this is reflected in many aspects of Lost Planet 2 – as the action loved by the West is mixed with the Mechs of the East. Set 10 years after the events in the first game, the campaign is split between 6 major missions, each from the perspective of a different faction of Pirates. This allows Capcom to set the game all across E.D.N. III, which is no longer just snow fields as the ice has melted to reveal a multitude of new and interesting environments. As before, Thermal Energy is the resource that all the factions require to survive and this comes in its natural form within the bodies of the deadly Akrids – the local alien population. As each mission unfolds you will need to battle through both alien and human foes to get what your faction requires.
When Lost Planet 2 is at its best, it is quite unlike any other game available. The game is built with co-op in mind from the bottom up, to the point that playing the game as a single player is almost broken. Luckily, we at Co-Optimus are very interested in the co-op aspects of the game, and here it shines. Up to four players at a time can tackle the campaign online, or two via splitscreen at home, where each mission has a series of chapters that lasts between 5 and 25 minutes. As a foursome you must successfully achieve the mission brief, which is usually kill everything or activate all the Data Posts. You share a common Battle Gauge that acts as a collectible life pool; this means that true cooperation will be needed if you are all to survive. If one player is weaker than the other you can place them in a support role such as a shield carrier or sniper.
Lost Planet 2 Split Screen
Whose turn is it to feed the Akrid?
When you are all in the zone the game truly shines. Chapters vary from open vistas, rocky outcrops, underwater battles, on rails gunfests; and many others. Nearly every larger mission ends on an epic boss battle that brings to mind the sense of scale seen in Shadow of the Colossus as you must work as a team to bring down a massive enemy. To aid you are a series of powerful weapons, and more importantly Vital Suits (VSs). These suits are mech type contraptions that you can climb into to even the odds. There are many variants on offer, from solo pilot mechs, to mechs that allow the entire groups to jump in and fire a separate weapon, or hang from the side.
Official Site
It is here when you and three friends are all together in a giant Vital Suit, standing off against what looks like an insurmountable alien creature that you realize Lost Planet 2 is quite unlike anything else. However, these moments are perhaps too infrequent, and there are also an abundance of small issues that will make many people dislike the game.