Download Proteus 7.6 Sp4 Patch

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Here's I give you the newer version of ISIS Proteus Simulator, a powerful tool for learning about electronics circuit (the previous version of Proteus Simulator that I share on this blog is version 7.1). Here's the screenshot:

It looksmuchbetterandit hasanattractiveUI,andof coursesupportedalsobylibrariesthatare richerthanever.Youcansee itinthecomponentmodeandthenpickthe device,seenmanynewcomponentsthatdo notexistinversion7.1.HopeYoulike it.Have fun:-)
For direct and easily download, this file is partitioned into several sections. You can merge the files of this partition using HJSplit software.
Download Proteus Simulator 7.6 SP4 (total file size is 68 MB)

Note: for Windows Vista and Windows 7 you must run it as an administrator by right click on the file and select 'run as an administrator'.

ifYouhaveneverknownwhat it wasProteusSimulator, here's the introduction ;-)

What is Proteus Simulator?

Download Proteus 7.6 Sp4 Patch Version

Download Proteus 7.6 Sp4 Patch -

Download Proteus 7.6 Sp4 Patch Download