Five Nights At Freddy's The Silver Eyes. Ten years after the horrific murders at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza that ripped their town apart, Charlie, whose father owned the restaurant, and her childhood friends reunite on the anniversary of the tragedy and find themselves at the old pizza place which had been locked up and abandoned for years. Five Nights At Freddy’s: The Silver Eyes AU Free Download. FNaF download games are the game you need to open the world of mystery. This game can help you know better about the FNAF game. The fight between you and the other characters of this game will go on until one side loses. And we hope that will not be you, because you will never know. Jan 05, 2017 Five Nights at Freddy’s: The Silver Eyes Review. I have a small confession to make. I love the Freddy games and I love the toys. I’ll even admit to watching a lot of the theory YouTubers. Yes, the games are relatively simple but they’re fun. And Scott Cawthon was a genius when it came to teasing the upcoming games. Plot: Five Nights at Freddy’s: The Silver Eyes is written by Scott Cawthon, the maker of the Five Nights at Freddy’s video game series. The book starts with Charlie going back to the town of Hurricane for a ceremony. The morning of the the ceremony Charlie meets up with John, Carlton, and Jessica.
- Five Nights At Freddy's The Silver Eyes Ar
- Five Nights At Freddy's The Silver Eyes Audiobook
- Five Nights At Freddy's The Silver Eyes Graphic Novel
- Five Nights At Freddy's The Silver Eyes Full
Based on the bestselling horror video game series, Five Nights at Freddy’s follows a young woman named Charlotte, who reunites with her childhood friends on the anniversary of the tragedy that ripped their town apart. It’s been exactly ten years since the murders at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, and Charlotte, who goes by the name Charlie, has spent the last ten years trying to forget. Her father had owned Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza and had built its four adult-sized animatronic animals. After meeting up with her friends, curiosity leads them back to the old pizza place, and they find it hidden, but still standing. They discover a way inside, but things are not as they used to be: the four mascots that delighted and entertained them as children have changed. The animatronic animals have a dark secret and a murderous agenda.
Five Nights At Freddy's The Silver Eyes Ar
Title: Five Nights at Freddy’s: The Silver Eyes | Author: Scott Cawthon and Kira Breed-Wrisely | Pub. Date: 12/16/2015 | Pages: 330 | ASIN: B019HC4EQ2 | Genre: YA Horror, Video Game spin-off | Language: English | Triggers: Intimated child death/disappearance | Rating: Starred | Source: Gift
Five Nights at Freddy’s: The Silver Eyes Review
I have a small confession to make. I love the Freddy games and I love the toys. I’ll even admit to watching a lot of the theory YouTubers. Yes, the games are relatively simple but they’re fun. And Scott Cawthon was a genius when it came to teasing the upcoming games. But, I’m not here to talk about the games but the book. I was interested in it because it wasn’t just a fan book, it had been written with the creator of the game. And since the game has a lot of gaps that can be filled in, plot-wise, I thought it could fill in a lot of them.
Well, Five Nights at Freddy’s: The Silver Eyes does and it doesn’t. As Scott puts it, “It’s a re-imagining of the timeline and events”. So there’s a lot of familiar stuff but some of the questions go unanswered.
As for the book itself, it’s a very easy read. The writing style flows smoothly with no typos or misused words. The story and characters are very engaging. The events flow closely enough with the games that there’s nothing that really stands out as off.
There are one or two flaws that I found in the writing of Five Nights at Freddy’s: The Silver Eyes but they weren’t huge and probably unnoticeable to a lot of readers. My main issue was that the book takes place in 1993 but the teenage characters in it speak and act more like teenagers in 2016. Like I said, it probably wouldn’t be noticeable to younger readers but for people who were close to that age in 1993 it does stand out.
There was only one part that I had a major problem with because it’s a huge plot hole and, quite honestly, stupid. I think it could have been written a little better to get the kids to Freddy’s. I’ll go into it below, just peek under the spoiler tag to check it out:
A complaint some people had was the ending and the behavior of the animatronics. I think it makes perfect sense, within the context of the story but that’s for each reader to decide for themselves, I guess.
Overall I really liked it. It’s clean enough for all ages and has some good, genuinely creepy moments but no excessive gore.
Five Nights at Freddy’s: The Silver Eyes is available for purchase on Kobo | Thriftbooks | Barnes & Noble | Amazon
GracieKat was the first co-host of Sci-Fi & Scary, Lilyn’s partner-in-crime, and sub-head of the Kali Krew. She reviews horror books, movies, and games for the site. She also does a weekly Focus on the Frightful feature, and is the site list-maker. She is also in control of the Sci-Fi & Scary podcast which will relaunch soon.
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Five Nights At Freddy's The Silver Eyes Audiobook
.- Ambiguous Situation: Despite being an android girl, she has a soul of her own, though whether this soul is an entirely new one as Baby claimed or the soul of the human Charlie is unknown.
- Her fate at the end of the series. She disappears after stabbing Baby and herself. A woman shows up at human Charlie's grave and smiles at John, reaching out to him as though she recognizes him. It's heavily implied that this may be Charlie after finally obtaining her adult form from Baby.
- Action Girl: When the animatronics go after her, she has no doors, animatronic head or the like to confront them, yet she manages to hold them off regardless. In addition, when a costumed Dave/William holds her hostage, she deliberately sets his costume's spring locks off. That's right - first female protagonist in the series, and she kills the closest thing to a main villain! And if she's the Puppet in the game continuity, she's the closest the games have to a genuine Big Good, alongside her father.
- Badass Adorable: So cute, but she's definitely not one to be messed with - just ask Afton, Twisted Freddy, and Baby.
- Beauty Equals Goodness: She's a heroic android girl indistinguishable from normal humans and is referred to as beautiful more than once, even by Afton himself, a stark contrast with Afton and all the terrifying and villainous animatronics. Subverted with her gorgeous adult form (which Carlton constantly calls 'Hot Charlie'), which is being used by Baby (Elizabeth) to assist Afton in his plans. Possibly Double Subverted by the end, if Charlie did indeed manage to claim her adult form.
- Canon Immigrant: If Cassette Man is a game-verse incarnation of Henry, then that would make his daughter (and the spirit haunting the Puppet) a similar incarnation of Charlie.
- Cute Machines: Still absolutely adorable, even if she is a Robot Girl.
- Dead All Along: The real Charlie, much to Henry's grief.
- Disney Death: The Twisted Ones wasn't the end of her, as it is soon revealed in The Fourth Closet that Aunt Jen saved her, presumably through some repairing. Her stabbing herself along with Baby may also count if the young woman who meets John at the end really is her.
- Dying Declaration of Love: She makes one to John after impaling Baby and herself, although he eventually finds out that she may not have truly died after all.
- Hero of Another Story: She's the main character of the book adaptation. And, potentially, working behind the scenes in the games as well.
- The Hero: The main protagonist and the one who consistently foils Afton's plans in the novels.
- The Hero Dies:
- Subverted. Curiosity gets the better of Charlie at the end of The Twisted Ones, and she ends up being accosted and seemingly crushed to death by Twisted Freddy. A woman resembling her shows up at the diner while her friends are mourning, but it's left ambiguous whether it's her. The Fourth Closet reveals that the girl at the end of The Twisted Ones is actually William’s daughter, Elizabeth Afton posing as her, using her adult body to take on her appearance. Charlie herself, however, is revealed to still be alive and under Aunt Jen's protection owing to her nature as an android.
- Pizzeria Simulator, if she IS the Puppet, kind of flits in and out of this one; she supposedly dies LONG before she gets to put Afton down, but she manages to come back as the Puppet and get the other souls to kill him the first time in 3, before bringing him down with her in the pizzeria fire at the end of the game.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Done simultaneously to herself and Baby (Elizabeth) in a Taking You with Me moment.
- The Power of Love: Charlie, if Elizabeth's words are true, doesn't have a human soul. What gave her a soul, and life with it, was Henry's love of his daughter, and his grief over her loss.
- Replacement Goldfish: Is one for the Charlie who William murdered.
- The Smurfette Principle: Charlotte is the only known protagonist in the series to be female. While the Fazbear's Fright guard has not been named or shown, thus leaving them partially unable for their sex to be identified, their hyperventilation is distinctively male-sounding and all the guards might be the same guy.
- Taking You with Me: Stabs Baby (Elizabeth) along with herself using the robot that her father Henry used to kill himself. It is, however, implied that this wasn't the end of Charlie.
- Tomato in the Mirror: The Fourth Closet reveals her to be a Robot Girlsuperficially indistinguishable from a human. It’s revealed that Charlie’s memory of William kidnapping Sammy was false, and that she was the one that William killed, hence his line at the end of The Twisted Ones. After Charlie was killed, it’s revealed that Henry and Jen created a series of progressively aged robot bodies for who he thought was his daughter. Unfortunately, William knew about this, and tried to use this process for his own ambitions. When she dies in The Twisted Ones, she’s back alive in The Fourth Closet, presumably due to her aunt taking her body and repairing her.
- Two First Names: The gravestone where the original Charlie was buried reveals that her surname is “Emily”.
- Nice Girl: Assuming that Cassette Man is Henry and therefore his daughter Charlotte was the girl who possessed the Puppet, Cassette Man's farewell speech in Pizzeria Simulator's good ending indicates that she was a considerate young girl who loved trying to help whoever she could.
- Not Quite Dead: As it turns out, being crushed by Twisted Freddy was not the end of her. She returned in The Fourth Closet to put a permanent end to Afton's plans and to stop Elizabeth's impersonation of herself.
- The Protagonist: Of the novel trilogy, though she's presumed dead for the first few chapters of The Fourth Closet until she is discovered miraculously alive due to being an android.
- Ridiculously Human Robots: She's revealed to be one in The Fourth Closet, which explains how she came back from being crushed by Twisted Freddy.
- Robot Girl: Albeit one who is indistinguishable from a normal human, and who contains a soul that can be transferred to more mature bodies as she grows up.
- Ship Tease: She has a lot with John. See her Dying Declaration of Love and her Ambiguous Situation at the end of the series.
- Uncertain Doom: After stabbing Baby and herself, her final fate is uncertain, however, a young woman appearing at human Charlie's grave site who appears to recognize John brings about implications that we haven't seen the last of her.
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Before all of the shit that went down at Freddy's, her father's suicide, and her brother Sammy being killed in the incident at Fredbear's, Charlie was a cheerful little girl. In her teens and on, she's much more sullen. And if she's the spirit possessing the Puppet in the games' canon, she became a great deal more bloodthirsty.
- Walking Spoiler: Not so much for anything that happens in the books, but when you're the child haunting the Puppet in the games, it's hard to be much beyond this.
- We Can Rebuild Him: Aunt Jen repaired her after she 'died' from her encounter with Twisted Freddy.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Jason is this to Marla.
- Childhood Friends: They were all friends with Charlie, before the murders at Freddy's happened.
- Child Prodigy: Implied and downplayed with Michael, who was said to be pretty good artist with big potentional for 7-years old boy he was.
- Deadpan Snarker: Most of them have their moments, but Carlton takes the cake.
- Distressed Dude: Carlton becomes this when William Afton kidnaps him and puts him into springlock suit.
- The Fashionista: Jessica.
- Genki Girl: Marla is described as a very chipper girl.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Carlton and Jason. Carlton is known for cruel pranks and Jason is lazy, snarky and likes annoying his sister, but they still care for their friends.
- Nice Guy: John, who is very supportive of Charlie through the entire story.
- The Prankster: Carlton.
- Posthumous Character: Michael was one of the children who were murdered in Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. He also happens to be possessing Golden Freddy.
Five Nights At Freddy's The Silver Eyes Graphic Novel
The father of Charlie and Sammy, and one of the co-owners of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza and Fredbear's Family Diner in Five Nights at Freddy's: The Silver EyesFive Nights At Freddy's The Silver Eyes Full
, the novel adaptation.- Driven to Suicide: Programmed one of his robots to kill him after he realized the Charlie he created is a robot, and not his daughter in a robot body.
- Two First Names: With Charlie’s surname revealed to be Emily, this also reveals Henry’s surname as well. Also applies to Gender-Blender Name.
- Posthumous Character: Dead before the book's present events.
- Spared by the Adaptation: It's implied he's Cassette Guy, and, thus, has stayed alive till the events of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Simulator. Subverted because he intended to burn the restaurant down, and personally drag Afton's sorry ass down to Hell with him.
- Abusive Parents: Unlike his game counerpart, he is abusive towards his daughter Elizabeth, physically abusing her as he tries to show him a drawing she made.
- Adaptational Jerkass: In the games, the (possible) genuine love he had for his daughter, Elziabeth, was his only redeeming quality, as he warned her never to approach Baby (who he knew would kill her) and he sent Micheal to free her after her death (though it's possible he just wanted her alive so she could become a killer just like him). In the novels, he is outright abusive towards her, hitting her in the face when she tries to show him a drawing she made.
- The game Afton also only killed kids while in the novels, Afton kills both kids and adults (such as the security guard).
- Big Bad: A role he naturally reprises from the games.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Co-founder of two pizzerias, and a serial killer, primarily of children.
- Covered in Scars: His torso is described as 'covered in scratches', due to surviving a Springtrap suit.
- Faking the Dead: In The Twisted Ones, William is revealed to have survived the springlock accident when attempting to kill Charlie and her friends, at the end of the first book, as the Twisted Animatronics, which follow his every command, freed him from the Springtrap suit.
- Fat Bastard: He was a hefty lad hiding sadism back during the murders. Not so much when he resurfaces ten years later...
- Freudian Excuse: While we still don't go too much into his personal life, it doesn't appear to be too pleasant. It's implied that he feels empty and bitter, and that he uses the murders to relieve himself of that.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Similarly to the games, he is eventually killed when the Springtrap suit crushes him to death, his preferred method of murder. Unlike the games, however, it wasn't a result of shoving himself into it. Charlotte was the one that undoes the suit with him inside.
- Informed Attribute: We learn that Afton managed the business side of the pizzerias, but we never see him doing any business work nor does he display any skills related to it. The games don't make mention of this and just portray his technical skills.
- Killed Off for Real: He gets incinerated by the end of The Fourth Closet.
- No Name Given: Averted; he's given two. There's William Afton, which is a real name, and Dave Miller, which is most assuredly a fake name for his guard disguise.
- One-Winged Angel: He considers becoming Springtrap to be this.
- Brown Note: Constantly emit one, which explains their appearance; once it's turned off, they go back to being normal animatronics. It should be noted that the note in question isn't inherently malicious, but simply amplifies the person's natural disposition and perception of the object in question; i.e. good becomes great, bad becomes worse.
- Canon Foreigner: ...Maybe? There are hints in 6 that they might be part of the game's universe as well.
- Hero Killer: Twisted Freddy manages this on Charlie... or so it seemed, initially.
- More Teeth than the Osmond Family: They all have mouths full of sharp teeth.
- Original Generation: Downplayed: the gang sees deactivated animatronics of things like a wolf and an ape, but they aren't expounded upon.
- The Dragon: For William.
- The Heavy: In The Fourth Closet.
- Identical Stranger: In this continuity, Baby uses a near-exact replica of Charlie's (young adult) body and attempted to steal her identity after Charlie apparently dies at the end of The Twisted Ones.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Done by Charlie in a Taking You with Me moment.
- Robot Girl: More pronounced in this version as she's not an animatronic but a human-looking android.