Roots Magic 7 On High Sierra

Tried an in place update iMac mid-2014 from High Sierra. Wouldn’t finish downloading. Downloaded installer on another machine and copied over. Then tried update. Received the one minute remaining with a completed task bar that stayed for four hours. Shutting down and restarting took me straight into High Sierra recovery disk. Ran disk first aid. How to Increase Screen Element & Text Size in Mac OS X. This will increase the size of all onscreen fonts and interface elements by using a different display resolution, it’s slightly different for Retina displays and non-Retina displays, we’ll cover both: Go to the Apple menu and choose “System Preferences”. Roots Magic 7 For Mac On High Sierra Recommended Email Clients For Mac Office 2011 For Mac Sierra Best Viewing Program For Photos For Mac Book Pro Best Mail Client For Hotmail On Mac What's New In Office 365 For Mac Working-with-external-data-in-excel-2016-for-mac Staples Office For Mac Adobe Animate Mac Torrent.

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Roots Magic 7 On High Sierra

Navigation: RootsMagic 8 > Getting Started >

Rootsmagic 7 on high sierra 2019

RootsMagic is the award-winning genealogy software that makes family history easy. RootsMagic Essentials is a free genealogy program that contains core features from RootsMagic. This list shows the features found in RootsMagic Essentials as well as the additional features unique to the full version of RootsMagic.

Roots Magic 7 On High Sierra
RootsMagic EssentialsRootsMagic 8Feature
General Features
YYRuns under Windows 7 (SP1+), Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11 (future)
YYRuns under macOS High Sierra (10.13), Mojave (10.14), Catalina (10.15), Big Sur (11), Monterey (12) (future)
YYSingle-file database format
YYSupport for international character sets through Unicode integration
YYIntegrated backup and restore help safeguard your data
YFree technical support
YDatabase tools let you test the file integrity, rebuild indexes, and compress database to remove deleted records
Navigation Pages
YYEasily switch between various data types and functions (People, Places, Sources, Media, Tasks, Addresses, Search, Publish, etc)
People Page
YYPedigree View (5 or 6 generations)
YYFamily View
YDescendant View (2-7 generations)
YPeople List View (Customizable and filterable)
YCouple List View
Places Page
YYPedigree View (5 or 6 generations)
Sources Page
YYPedigree View (5 or 6 generations)
Media Page
YYPedigree View (5 or 6 generations)
Tasks Page
YYPedigree View (5 or 6 generations)
Addresses Page
YYPedigree View (5 or 6 generations)
Search Page
YYPedigree View (5 or 6 generations)
Publish Page
YYPedigree View (5 or 6 generations)
Settings Page
YYPedigree View (5 or 6 generations)
Easy to Learn and Use
YYEasy file management
YYFamily members are automatically linked as you add them
YYAutomatically checks for duplicates as you add people
YYClick in an empty parent or child slot on screen to add parents or children
YYJust double click on a person's name to edit that person
YYAll information for a person is shown on a single streamlined 'Edit person' window
YYSidebar on main screen makes navigation easy
YYResize edit and search dialogs to see as much information as you want
YYOnline help with video
Organize Your Information
YYOpen multiple databases on screen at the same time
YYAlternate names in lists makes it easy to find a person by their other names
YYDisplay relationships to root person in info panel
YDrag and drop people between databases
YAutomatically link dragged people into the other database
YNamed Groups of People lets you create groups you can use in reports or other areas
YWebTags let you add links to websites attached to people, sources, places, etc.
YYAdd unlimited people, facts/events, notes, sources, and more
YY60 predefined fact types (birth, marriage, death, occupation, religion, etc)
YYEasily track multiple relationships, such as adoptions, foster parents, etc
YYSee a person's age at every event on their edit page
YYEnter place history, latitude and longitude for each place
YCreate your own user defined fact types, and add any number of roles
YSharing events among multiple people lets you assign witnesses or other people involved in an event
YCraft your own customized sentence for each fact or role from the live-edit pane in 'Edit person' window
YDNA test recording
YAdd private events that you can suppress from printing or exporting
Search Features
YYRootsMagic Explorer lets you easily find and edit anyone in your family tree
YYSearch by name, record number, dates, places, notes, and many other types of data
YNameFind lets you easily find people by married name or nickname
YSearch and replace for notes, names, places, media items, etc.
YFind Everywhere lets you find text in any record in your file: people, families, notes, sources, media, places, to-do items, research logs, and more.
Printing Features
YYPrint to any printer connected to your computer
YYCustomize headers, footers, margins, fonts for any printout
YSave reports to PDF (Adobe Acrobat)
YSave reports to your word processor (RTF)
YE-mail reports directly from the print preview
YPrint color coding in pedigree charts, group sheets, box charts, narrative reports, wall charts, ahnentafel, descendant list, and timelines
YInclude pictures in narrative reports printed to rich text (RTF) files
Report Types
YYPedigree Charts (standard and cascading)
YYFamily Group Sheets
YYBox chart reports (both ancestor and descendant)
YBox charts - Select box style
YYNarrative reports (modified register and ancestor)
YYIndividual summary prints everything you know about a person
YYScrapbook of pictures for people, families, sources, and places
YYBlank reports (pedigree chart, group sheet, research log, etc)
YYAhnentafel - A list of ancestors
YYBirthday List - A list of birthdays and anniversaries in the database
YYDescendant List - An indented list of the descendants for a person
YDirect Descendant List - A direct line of descendants down to a single person
YResearch Logs - Sortable research logs of the data you have researched
YYDuplicate List - A list of potential duplicate individuals in the database
YYIndividual List - A list of the people in the database
YIndividual List - Include the facts, parents, spouses, and children of each person
YYLDS Ordinance List - A list of LDS ordinances in the database
YYMarriage List - A list of the couples in the database
YYPlace List - A list of the places in the database
YPlace List - Print the events which happened in each place
YPlace List - Include latitude, longitude, and notes for each place
YYRepository List - A list of the repositories in the database
YRepository List - Include the sources, to-do items, and correspondence with each repository
YYSource List - A list of the sources in the database (sorted and grouped)
YNarrative reports (register (NEHGS), indented descendancy, Henry descendancy, and D'Aboville descendancy)
YCalendars with birthdays and anniversaries
YRelationship chart shows exactly how two people are related
YAddress labels for mailings
Y'On This Day' report shows family events on a selected date, as well as famous births and deaths, and historical events
YPhoto Tree - Tree with 3 generations of pictures
YAddress List - A list of the addresses in the database
YCorrespondence List - A list of the correspondence in the database
YFact List - A list of people with or without a particular fact
YKinship List - A list of everyone related to an individual
YMissing Information List - A list of people missing selected information
YMultimedia List - A list of the media in the database
YStatistics List - Statistics for any group of people
YSurname List - Statistics on the surnames in the database
YTimeline (Chronology) List - A chronological timeline of events for a person or group of people
YTo-Do List - A list of the to-do items in the database
YResearch Notes - Prints the research notes and comments for every citation for a person or family.
Publish Your Family History
YPublish your family online at
YMake Shareable CDs to give to others, with custom menu and a read-only version of RootsMagic
YRootsMagic Publisher lets you create complete books with narrative, notes, charts, photos, source bibliography, index, and more.
YInclude cover and title pages, copyright, dedication, acknowledgement, preface pages
YInclude table of contents
YInclude free form text pages
YCustomize your index format and number of columns
YPlace index in reports
Spectacular Wall Charts
YAncestor Wall Charts in any orientation (left to right, bottom to top, etc)
YDescendant Wall Charts in any orientation (top to bottom, left to right, etc)
YHourglass Charts (combined ancestors and descendants) in any orientation (top to bottom, left to right, etc)
YTimeline Charts
YDrag and drop to resize and move individual boxes
YAdd a background image or color
YPrint charts up to 100 feet wide
YPrint charts on regular size paper and tape together, or print on large format printer
YExport charts to JPG, EMF, and other graphic formats
YAdd freeform text, photos, and shapes to your charts
YYAttach photographs, sound clips, and video clips to any person, family, place, source, or event
YYInclude photos in your books, group sheets, and other printouts
YAttach documents (Word, PDF, etc) to any person, family, place, source, or event
YScan photos directly into RootsMagic
YPhoto editor lets you adjust sharpness, brightness, contrast, and rotate and zoom images
YDrag and drop media into albums
Sources - Documenting Your Information
YYAdd source documentation to any person, fact, or family
YYSourceWizard automatically writes proper sources for you
YYAlmost 400 SourceWizard templates based on Evidence Explained, Evidence!, and Cite Your Sources
YYHints in the Source fields guide you in entering your sources
YYAssign industry-standard quality terminology (for sources, information and evidence) to your master sources
YYEasy to use source list tracks all your documentation (certificates, census, books, etc)
YYEnter each source only once, then reuse it elsewhere
YYAdd a global source to each person when importing a GEDCOM file.
YYRecord repositories where the sources are found
YCreate your own source templates using the powerful built-in template language
YEasily merge duplicate sources from the master source list
YAdd a source to multiple people at once
YEasily make a copy of a source
YCopy (memorize) sources to reuse (paste) elsewhere
Notes - Telling the Story
YYAdd notes and stories/notes to any fact, person, couple (family), or shared role, place, place details
YYNotes print in books, group sheets, and other reports
YYPrint your documentation (notes and sources) in your reports, summaries, and forms
YNote formatting (bold, italics, underlining)
YSearch and replace in notes
YSpell checking
YLive spell checking
YAdd private notes that you can suppress from printing or exporting
Internet Features
YCreate dynamic websites with pedigree, family, and individual views, and supporting notes, sources, and media.
YPublish your family online at
YYNew FamilySearch certified synchronization
YYAutomatically check for updates to your software
YWebSearch searches the web using a variety of search engines or search specific genealogy sites, or add your own sites to search
YAdd your own links to your home page
Y'Privatize' living persons when creating your website
YCreate outputs in Adobe Acrobat (PDF), or web files (HTML) to upload to a web site
Research Features
YYWebHints display possible records for each person automatically
YResearch Manager lets you create unlimited Research Logs to document your work
YGenSmarts integration to get research suggestions from inside RootsMagic
YAdd GenSmarts suggestions to your RootsMagic to-do list with one click
Y'To do' list lets you keep track of research you still need to do for any person or family
YCorrespondence Log keeps track of all your incoming and outgoing correspondence
YWebSearch searches the web using a variety of search engines or search specific genealogy sites, or add your own sites to search
YYDate calculator
YYPop up calendar when entering dates
YYSoundex calculator (including alternate methods)
YYBookmark any individuals in your database
YYHistory list lets you backtrack through last 200 people visited
YYBack button moves back to previously visited people
YYPotential problem list
YDataClean helps you clean up problems in names and places in your database
YCountyCheck Explorer lets you look up US, UK, Canadian, and Australian counties, states, etc. to view information and interactive maps.
YProblem list is interactive (edit problem person or family directly from problem list)
YMark possible problems as 'not a problem'
YPlace name standardization and geocoding
YMapping people and places
YSpell Checker checks the current notes, or all notes.
YCreate groups of people that you can name and select by that name
YColor coding to highlight groups of people's names in color so they are easy to spot
YCounts the number of separate trees in your database.
YRelationship calculator shows you the relationship between any two people
YFile Compare lets you compare two RootsMagic files side by side and copy people, events, names, notes, sources, and media between them
Merge Features
YYPowerful merge capabilities
YYPrioritized merge list
YYColor-coded record comparisons makes it easy to spot differences
YMark possible duplicates as 'not a match'
YSmartMerge automatically handles the 'obvious' duplicates
YShareMerge helps when collaborating with other RootsMagic users
YYDirect Family Tree Maker import (version 16 and earlier)
YYDirect PAF import (versions 2.x and later)
YYDirect Family Origins import (versions 4 and later)
YYDirect Legacy import (versions 2 and later)
YYFull GEDCOM 5.5 support so you can exchange data with other programs
YYFamilySearch Family Tree import
YYFull LDS support. LDS support can be turned on or off.
FamilySearch Support
YYAccess Certified
YYUpdate Certified
YYSync Certified
YYPrint Certified
YYOrdinance Reservation Certified
YYOrdinance Request (FOR) Certified
YYDiscussion Certified
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Your MacBook Pro (15-inch, Late 2011) - Technical Specifications, has a built-in Optical drive.


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  • 8x slot-loading SuperDrive (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)
  • Maximum write: 8x DVD-R, DVD+R; 4x DVD-R DL (double layer), DVD+R DL (double layer), DVD-RW, DVD+RW; 24x CD-R; 10x CD-RW
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Roots Magic 7 On High Sierra

On your model, a physical DVD is required to to install W7/W8.1. W10 is not officially supported. Your BC Assistant should have two options - Download and Install. Modifying the Bootcamp Info.plist to enable the USB creating option leads to too many issues.

Rootsmagic 7 On High Sierra 2020

Roots Magic 7 On High Sierra


Rootsmagic 7 For Mac

May 9, 2020 7:20 AM