Use Terminal To Move Photo Library

Aug 07, 2018 Copy the Photos Library to the external drive. You can drag and drop. Wait while it copies over - this may take a while depending on the size of your library and the speed of the connection to the. Jun 08, 2021 If it's not selected, click the lock button to unlock it, enter an administrator name and password, then select the checkbox. After the move is finished, double-click Photos Library in its new location to open it. If you use iCloud Photo Library, designate this library as the System Photo Library. This is precisely the sort of application that I created asciimatics for. It is a cross-platform console API with support for generating animated scenes from a rich set of text effects. Dec 09, 2020 Once I successfully move everything to OneDrive and delete all photos from my iPhone, I would like to turn off my iCloud photo sync and make it so that my iPhone photos sync with OneDrive as the main back up source. I'm driving myself crazy with this task and hoping someone might be able to help me find a solid solution.

At this point in the course, you can:

  • see where you are in your system (pwd)

  • list the contents of a directory (ls)

  • change directories (cd)

  • make directories (mkdir)

  • make files (touch file-name.extension)

  • use keyboard shortcuts to avoid command line typing hassles

Now, you might want to move around or copy content that you've created. There are a series of commands that will allow you to do this.

Move content

Use Terminal To Move Photo Library Photos

Let's say you've accidentally created a file in the wrong place, like putting your biology research spreadsheet in your art history folder. 😖

Use Terminal To Move Photo Library

If you use a visual interface like Finder (or another visual interface), you would have to click and drag this file into its correct location. In Terminal, you don't have a visual interface, so you'll have to know the mvcommand to do this!

mv , of course stands for move. The mv command requires several pieces of information.

  • the original file we want to move.

  • the new destination for the original file.

My first piece of information is therefore research-findings.csv , and my second piece of information is therefore the file path to the Biology folder.

Absolute and relative file paths

I could type this in two different ways. Let's explore the difference between absolute and relative file paths.

Option 1 (absolute path):

Option 2 (relative path):

Option 1 contains the absolute path towards the Biology folder. Each folder is listed in the path from top to bottom.

Option 2 is a relative path . It is the path relative to where we are now. .. indicates 'move up one level' (to 'Second semester'), and from there, move into the Biology folder.

Rename content using mv

You can also rename files and folders using the mv command. To rename research-findings.csv to biology-final-report.csv , you could run:

Technically, you're 'moving' the one file to another and renaming it in the process. 👍

You can also use mv with folders in order to move them! It's not just for files.

Copying files

Use Terminal To Move Photo Library To Amazon Prime

Copying content works similarly to moving content. Let's start with copying a file because it's simpler.

The same arguments are true for cp (copy) as for mv (move):

  • The first argument is the original file we want to move.

  • The second argument is the new destination for the copy of the original file.

Let's run through an exercise to put together a few different things we've worked on.

Watch the chapter video for an easier-to-understand demo! It's hard to process these concepts, and seeing the video will help a lot.

Scenario: you want to copy the final coursework from your second semester folder to a new folder called 'Final papers'. You don't want to move the files; just copy them to a different folder so you can have copies of your final papers in one centralized place.

From within 'Second semester' folder, make a directory to contain the end of semester work.

Now, you can either change directories (cd) into the Art history folder and copy the final paper from there, or just copy it without changing directories.


Now change directories (cd) into the Final papers folder and list its contents (ls) to confirm the file is now copied here:


Optional study: copying folders

Copying folders is more tricky. You will need to use something called an option. Options exist for many terminal commands. They are a way for you to tell the computer that a command should run in a specific, non-default way.

To copy folders, you'll use the recursive option. Recursive is similar to iteration, in that the command will run in small increments in order to achieve its final goal. This is not worth worrying about right now, though you can read more about recursiveness here.

For this example, we'll hop back to our code project. I want to duplicate my code folder in order to use the code I've written as a base for another project. The original directory is called code-project, so I'll name my copy code-project-2.

To copy this folder from one place to another, you'll run:

This copied my code-project folder (including its contents) into a new folder called code-project-2. The -R is an option that specifies you want the command to run with recursion.

Now you can move and copy files and folders. Nice! In the next chapter, you'll see how to search for content among all the folders and files you've created in this course so far.

Terminal User Guide

In Terminal, you can move and copy files locally or remotely using the mv, cp, and scp command-line tools.

Tip: It’s easier to move and copy files using the Finder. See Organize files in folders.

Move a file or folder locally

  • In the Terminal app on your Mac, use the mv command to move files or folders from one location to another on the same computer. The mv command moves the file or folder from its old location and puts it in the new location.

    For example, to move a file from your Downloads folder to a Work folder in your Documents folder:

    % mv ~/Downloads/MyFile.txt ~/Documents/Work/MyFile.txt

    You can also change the name of the file as it’s moved:

    % mv ~/Downloads/MyFile.txt ~/Documents/Work/NewFileName.txt

See the mv command man page.

Copy a file or folder locally

  • In the Terminal app on your Mac, use the cp command to make a copy of a file.

    For example, to copy a folder named Expenses in your Documents folder to another volume named Data:

    % cp -R ~/Documents/Expenses /Volumes/Data/Expenses

    The -R flag causes cp to copy the folder and its contents. Note that the folder name does not end with a slash, which would change how cp copies the folder.

See the cp command man page.

Copy a file or folder remotely

  • In the Terminal app on your Mac, use the scp command to copy a file or folder to or from a remote computer.

    scp uses the same underlying protocols as ssh.

    For example, to copy a compressed file from your home folder to another user’s home folder on a remote server:

    % scp -E ~/ImportantPapers.tgz

    You’re prompted for the user’s password.

    The -E flag preserves extended attributes, resource forks, and ACL information.

    The -r flag, which isn’t used in this example, causes scp to copy a folder and its contents.

See the scp command man page.

See alsoOpen or quit Terminal on MacOpen new Terminal windows and tabs on MacExecute commands and run tools in Terminal on Mac